Posted in Object Lessons, Scripture Readings

Seek God and Worry Not

Taken from the Holy Bible King James App

These verses are a great reminder of God’s love for us. We need not worry about tomorrow. No need to stress over something we cannot take control of, especially when it doesn’t exist yet.

My pastor’s wife called me a few months ago and invited me to join their prayer group that prays twice a day, every 6-6:30am and 6-6:30pm. Honestly, it’s been a struggle to pray at those specific times because I never know when the baby would want attention or start to cry. When she wakes up before 6am, let’s say around 5 or 5:30, I try to pray while feeding her but it is extremely hard to stay awake. Not to mention she wakes up to feed every other hour. I’ve learned to live life being sleep deprived. Those wee hours between 6-8am are the hardest to stay awake.

The Bible, however, is clear that these wee hours are the best time to be in communion with God. I have heard countless people with amazing testimonies that their walk with God is so much richer after they started the habit of getting up early and spending time with God before life gets in the way. For years I have been trying to get up early, but now with a two month old kid it is even harder to do so.

Yet, I find comfort in these verses. I need not worry, because God loves me. He is patient with me. I try my best to have my devotional time as the first thing I do regardless of what time I wake up. The Bible says to seek God first, and then He will take care of the rest.

Being a mother is extremely challenging. My patience is constantly tested to the limit, my frustrations are more frequent, and it’s easier to lose self control. If I seek God first thing everyday, He will grant me the strength and endurance to survive that day. I just need to take it one day at a time. Forget worrying about tomorrow; ain’t nobody got time for that. Especially with a baby. I need to channel God’s patience in my life.

I used to be so great at planning ahead and getting things done. I used to be able to have things scheduled in my calendar up to five months in advance and I expected everything to go the way I planned it. But becoming a mom has completely changed all of that. I can literally only take things moment by moment. And praise God that He gives me enough strength for each of those moments.