Posted in Bible Study, point of view, Scripture Readings

Reflection on Leviticus 26

When God talks to you, it’s not a loud voice. It’s up to you to respond to it or not.

I’ve never been comfortable talking about myself. Nobody likes to be vulnerable. But I asked God what to say today and this is what kept coming to mind. I hope someone will be blessed by this reflection.

Read these positive verses below:

Leviticus 26:3-5 NKJV – 3 ‘If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them,

4 then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

5 Your threshing shall last till the time of vintage, and the vintage shall last till the time of sowing;

you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.

Leviticus 26:9 NKJV – 9 ‘For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.

Now compare them to these negative verses:

Leviticus 26:14-18 NKJV – 14 ‘But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments,

15 and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant,

16 I also will do this to you:

I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart.

And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

17 I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies.

Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you.

18 ‘And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

God seems to be a very harsh and conditional parent to the Israelites. I was a bit taken back when I read this chapter, but after giving it some thought I realized the entire chapter is still positive. God was showing love even through the “negative” verses.

Only because I’m now a parent do I view this chapter in love. I can see how many people can misinterpret this kind of punishment as something fearful. I love my kids with all my heart but I still “punish” them when they dont listen because I am training them to do the right thing. I am hopefully engraving in their brain what is right so when they grow up and they are on their own in the world they will remember what I have taught them. Like the Bible says, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). I think God was doing the same thing with the israelites. They are His children, so He was setting them straight and preparing them for the challenges ahead. Still love. Do I enjoy punishing my kids? No. But I want the best for them. That’s how I view God in this chapter.

When I was younger, I never dreamed of having kids. Recently, I am noticing more and more Satan trying to destroy families and make having a family very difficult and unattractive. But having kids is a direct command from God. He said to go forth and mulitply (Genesis 1:28). At least I know that’s what He wants for me. Being a parent is difficult, but it’s only difficult because we live in a sinful world. Satan makes it difficult to carry out God’s will.

I’m glad I am not alone at raising a family. I have a wonderful loving husband, mine and his parents, my extended family, and my church family to remind me that I am on the right track. Everyone’s love and support has kept me going.

And only because God has made me a mom has my faith grown leaps and bounds. I truly believe perfection of character comes through raising children. It is the ulitmate character refinement. At least that is what my journey or my experience has been. I know it’s not for everyone. Again, it’s not easy but I am not alone. I know God is with me.

Posted in for your information, point of view

Changing the Sabbath?

The following article was taken from I found their “daily devotional” section and thought this was a thought provoking article. Please enjoy the read.

Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. Revelation 7:3.

The seal of God, the token or sign of His authority, is found in the fourth commandment. This is the only precept of the Decalogue that points to God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and clearly distinguishes the true God from all false gods. Throughout the Scriptures the fact of God’s creative power is cited as proof that He is above all heathen deities.

The Sabbath enjoined by the fourth commandment was instituted to commemorate the work of Creation, thus to keep the minds of all ever directed to the true and living God. Had the Sabbath always been kept, there would never have been an idolater, an atheist, or an infidel. The sacred observance of God’s holy day would have led the minds of men and women to their Creator. The things of nature would have brought Him to their remembrance, and they would have borne witness to His power and His love. The Sabbath of the fourth commandment is the seal of the living God. It points to God as the Creator and is the sign of His rightful authority over the beings He has made.

What, then, is the mark of the beast, if it is not the spurious sabbath which the world has accepted in the place of the true?

The prophetic declaration that the Papacy was to exalt itself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, has been strikingly fulfilled in the changing of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week. Wherever the papal sabbath is honored in preference of the Sabbath of God, there the man of sin is exalted above the Creator of heaven and earth.

Those who assert that Christ changed the sabbath are directly contradicting His own words. In the Sermon on the Mount He declared, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” …

Roman Catholics acknowledge that the change in the Sabbath was made by their church, and they cite this very change as evidence of the supreme authority of this church. They declare that by observing the first day of the week as the Sabbath, Protestants are recognizing her power to legislate in divine things…. As the Sunday institution gains favor, he [the papist] rejoices, feeling assured that it will eventually bring the whole Protestant world under the banner of Rome.—Signs of the Times, November 1, 1899.

From From the Heart – Page 329

Posted in all about yhan, Life As It Is, point of view

What’s Happened to You?

Instead of asking, “What’s wrong with you?,” we should be asking, “What’s happened to you?” This is what I learned in a seminar entitled Trauma and Emotional Healing. The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists just held their first virtual camp meeting this past weekend and they offered a lot of seminars on health.

The presenters’ focus for that specific class was to be empathetic with people and understand their background instead of being judgmental and critical. A lot of times people act “differently” than we do based on their upbringing, culture, values, and past experiences. The presenters delved specifically into people that have dealt with trauma and how everyone reacts differently to the same situation.

For example, they showed a picture of a rod of cinnamon. To the presenter, seeing the picture reminds her of Christmas cookies and being home with the family and being all warm and fuzzy with family over the holidays. However, for her friend, cinnamon signaled triggers of a time when her house burned down and the whole place smelled like cinnamon. Two completely different reactions to the same picture.

Another picture that they showed was about two dogs who just crossed through a puddle of mud. One dog was tall and one dog was short. Although they both went through the same puddle of mud, their experiences were different. The short dog got mud all the way up to his chest while the tall dog only got mud up to his ankles. The caption in the picture said, “How deep is the mud? Depends on who you ask.”

We are so quick to judge and be irritated by people who are different from us. We often fail to see the deeper picture and ask what has happened to cause such a dramatic reaction to the simplest things.

I recently learned that heart and thyroid issues can cause people to be hot-headed and pessimistic. The chemical imbalances in the body literally dictate our behavior. I heard that after a man had heart surgery and got his heart fixed, he stopped being so aggressive and hot-headed and actually dealt with people in a more calm way.

My husband and I recently bought a house and the seller has a nasty attitude. I kept muttering under my breath how bad of a person she is and how unpleasant she is to her husband, but I don’t know her entire story. What if she has a heart problem, or maybe a thyroid problem? What if she was abused as a child and now as an adult needs to be in control as a way to protect herself? What if she had a bad day at work and needed to blow off some steam?

I am 31 weeks pregnant with our second child, and I haven’t been the most pleasant person to be around with, either. This baby’s kicks hurt a lot more than my first born, and it likes to chill all the way down to my pelvic bone or all the way up squishing my diaphragm. Not only do my hips and butt muscles hurt from the big belly and holding my one-year-old, but also it gets hard to breath when the baby kicks the diaphragm. I find myself getting cranky, accusing my husband for not helping take care of our child, and wanting to hurry up and and end the pregnancy. I cry a lot and sometimes my husband thinks I do it to manipulate him into doing things for me. Because of my physical situation I don’t treat others as nicely as I could have.

My personal experiences of crankiness should tell me to be more understanding of people who are also cranky. They might be in a lot of physical pain just like me. But it never occurred to me to be sympathetic until I heard the seminar on trauma and emotional healing. Hopefully from now on I can be more patient and less abrasive with people who are “difficult” and “different” than me. I pray that I can emulate how Jesus treated people with such kindness and patience, and just show them unconditional love. I know it’s not an easy road, but we are called to walk the narrow path. May we follow Jesus’ example in all that we do.

Posted in Object Lessons, point of view

Reflections on Numbers 14

“To be right with God often means to be wrong with men.” Oshea, also known as Joshua, and Caleb chose to have faith in God when the other spies did not. The other spies even convinced the entire Israelite congregation that going into Canaan was a bad idea. The Israelites then plotted to make themselves a new leader, have Joshua and Caleb stoned to death, and head back to Egypt. They would have successfully carried out their plan had God Himself not interfered.

The crisis that Joshua and Caleb experienced reminds me of what is happening to the world today. You see multiple riots, people threatening to kill one another, and society begging to go back to our old ways. Sad to say life will never go back to the way it was. These things are going to happen because we are being molded and shaped for something greater. We are being prepared for a better life in heaven. Just like how the Israelites were brought out of Egypt to have a better life in Canaan, we are being brought out of our old sinful ways so we can enjoy eternal life with Jesus.

Just like Joshua and Caleb, we need to remember the reason why we are on this journey and remember Who it was that promised to take us to the promised land. It’s easy to complain when times get tough. It’s easy to blame others and get our minds clouded by the things we see happening around us. But we need to see the bigger picture and trust in God. We cannot forget the reason why trials must take place.

Truly in the end times the majority will act like the Israelite multitude and only a hand full will remain faithful to God. Our job as Christians is to get as much people as we can to put their faith and trust back in the hands of God. Dangerous things happen when we try to fix things on our own. After the Israelites realized they sinned against God, and after God pronounced the verdict of their consequences, they tried to continue to claim Canaan in their own terms and in their own time. Because God said the Israelites would remain in the wilderness another 40 years, they then tried to conquer the land which they previously despised. Funny how we don’t want what God gives us in the first place, but when He takes it away from us then we fight to keep it.

Moses warned the Israelites not to pursue the promised land anymore, at least this was not the right time. But they went anyway. Moses warned them that God would not be on their side if they attacked the enemies. But they went anyway. The Israelites died and lost the battle without a doubt.

We need to be patient and wait for God’s time. God told the Israelites He would give them Canaan but they murmured and complained and finally tried to do things their way. I know it’s hard to be patient, but we need to remember to “be still and know that He is God.”

Posted in Bible Study, point of view

Reflections on Exodus 3 & 4

There were most likely more than a hundred years that passed between the death of Joseph and the birth of Moses. The Bible says that the new Pharaoh did not know Joseph, therefore he did not have a relationship with the Israelites and thus feared them. That’s why he decided to make them slaves and to oppress them so they don’t overpower the Egyptians.

When God called Moses out of Midian to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses had the nerve to complain about his lack of speech eloquence. “And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses…” I think this means that the Lord was disappointed, because He already reminded Moses that He is the Creator and He can make Moses a great orator, but Moses kept complaining. And God in His mercy worked with Moses; He decided to have Aaron be the mouthpiece for Moses.

How embarrassing is it to show doubt in front of God, especially when talking to Him face to face. I imagine the Queen of England coming to see me and giving me a task and I complain in front of her face. Sadly that is the culture we live in today. Sin has ruined our ability to be respectful. We feel more and more entitled because we value self and our opinions above trust and faith. Praise God in His infinite love that He still works with us and helps us grow through our deficiencies.

I also wonder why God had to harden Pharaoh’s heart. God said that Pharaoh would not believe, and would not let the Israelites go. The Israelites probably have not seen miracles happen for many years, so for Moses to suddenly come and claim that God had sent him to free them, they were sure to doubt it. That’s why God gave Moses the signs to perform for them to believe. I think sending the plagues to Pharaoh was also a way for the Israelites to be converted and believe again in God. If the people did not believe the signs that Moses showed them, they had all those plagues to reflect and believe that God is real; same thing goes for the Egyptians. God doesn’t just display His power to show off; He always does it for our benefit and to save us because He loves us.

Nowadays, it will be even harder to discern which miracles are real and which are counterfeit. Satan has the ability to pretend to be like Jesus, and if we don’t see past all the fake signs, we will surely fall into the wrong path. Back in the days of Moses, other people were also copying the plagues and miracles and doing it their way. Maybe some of the Israelites were confused on whom to believe. What’s most important in our generation today is that we grasp on to the Word of God, know it inside out, have a relationship with Jesus, and take time everyday to be still and listen to His voice so we don’t confuse the real with the counterfeit. It’s going to be hard in the last days, so we should start now to discern the differences between good and evil. When the end of time comes, we will be ready. Nothing will be a surprise.

Posted in point of view

Reconnecting with People

This page was taken from “A Little God Time for Mothers,” a 365 day devotional book. I found it to be very timely during this social distancing era. Covid-19 has really changed the way we live our lives, but how we respond to these changes is what I believe is more important.

Because of this lockdown, I have been able to talk to friends and family that I have not been in contact with for a long time. People are starting to reconnect with long lost friends and catch up. We no longer take our families for granted and try our best to stay connected as much as possible. I personally have been talking to so many friends and family members much more than I ever have been, which is a blessing.

There are people who have surprised me by calling me and checking up on me to see how I am doing. These are people who I least expect to hear from. That’s why I can relate so much to the devotional today because God is truly using various people to help us remember that He is still with us; that He cares and loves us. These quarantine times are a great opportunity to reconnect with family, friends, and especially with God.

Posted in point of view

Being Someone’s Friend

happy-friendship-day-20132“Have you ever avoided witnessing to a person who would likely not fit well in your church? What would it take for you and your church to find sufficient grace to embrace those ‘sinners’? ”

That’s the last question on Monday’s Lesson from our current Sabbath School Quarterly  ( In fact, I believe the entire quarter is about being friends with people outside your religion and outside your comfort zone; how to be a good friend.

Recently I have been receiving endless Facebook messages from this one elderly man who used to attend our church. He’s known to be kind of socially awkward and have a bit of loose screws, but obviously those are judgments made by the local people. Anyway, he seems to be a nice guy; always concerned about other people. A little too concerned actually to the point of gossip and putting his nose in other people’s business.

I usually ignore his messages, especially because he sends about 50 a day and talks about other people. The reason I know this is because smart phones usually show the entire message on the very top and I am able to read them without actually opening the message. Him constantly messaging me didn’t really bother at first, but a few months later he started calling and saying that I offended him and he was calling me “sweety” and “my dear” and other things that made me uncomfortable. So I asked my friends what I should do about it and all of them said to block him.

“Block? I’ve never blocked anyone before! I feel bad!” But I did get frustrated enough that I cried. And that’s when I knew the situation had turned into harassment and protecting myself should take priority.

But the Bible is clear. Our duty as Christians is to love the unlovable. “For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” (Matthew 5:46 NKJV). My friend was shocked to find out I have been tolerating this for a few months when I should have blocked this “creeper” as soon as possible. And that made me reflect on my actions. Why DID I wait that long? Why was I able to tolerate it until recently? Why did I let it bother me? Why did I let this happen to me?

I was really impressed by the theme of the current Quarterly Lessons to really be a friend and reach out to the community; that the church needs to get involved in the community and together provide for their needs. What really struck my heart was the question of what my church is currently doing to be actively involved in our local community. And I realized, nothing really! We are so good at nurturing members that we tend to neglect bringing in more. And so I proposed that we start Project GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) meaning that our church give out tracts of free information to the community. And we’re planning to do It this coming September and I am really excited to be doing this project but I am extremely afraid of knocking on doors!

Along with my passion to be a friend comes the dilemma whether to stay friends or not with this man who sends me tons of messages on Facebook. Even Jesus sat with tax collectors who at the time were deemed social outcasts. So who am I to judge this man that obviously wants someone to talk to and needs a friend?


Check out this story below and reflect on it a litte:

A deacon in a local church drove a van that took the youth to an old-age home to hold a worship service every month. In the first week, while the youth were leading out, an old man in a wheelchair grabbed the deacon’s hand and held it during the service. This happened month after month. One time, when the youth group came, the man in the wheelchair was not there. The staff said that he would not likely live through the night. The deacon went to his room, and he was lying there, obviously unconscious. Taking the old man’s hand, the deacon prayed that the Lord would grant him eternal life. The seemingly unconscious man squeezed the deacon’s hand tightly, and the deacon knew that his prayer had been heard. With tears in his eyes, he stumbled out of the room, bumping into a woman who said, “I’m his daughter. He’s been waiting for you. My father said, ‘Once a month Jesus comes and holds my hand. And I don’t want to die until I have a chance to hold the hand of Jesus one more time.’”-Adapted from The Least of These, a video produced by Old Fashioned Pictures (2004).

You never know who is influenced and who is blessed by your presence in this world. Don’t shut people away unless they become dangerous or a threat. Don’t be afraid to be a friend. I have been inviting a coworker of mine to attend our outdoor church activities and he usually comes along. I know some people are worried because he’s a guy and I’m a girl which is against the norm of girls inviting other girls and guys inviting other guys. But what if this is the only chance he’s got to being exposed to Jesus? Just like the main character in the movie God’s Not Dead; he took on the challenge of his atheist teacher to present God to his classmates despite the threats of failing his class. Against lol odds, he did it for the sake of spreading the gospel.image

“Nothing can lighten or brighten your way like a friend.
No one cheer you when you need them near like a friend.
No one else can understand, quite the way a good friend can,
Not a thing on earth has greater worth, than being someone’s friend.” – WWJD Radio Audio CD.

The last important point in the Sabbath School Lesson that I really like is the “Anyway Principle.” Jesus healed the sick anyway. He loves sinners anyway. Even though we hurt His heart many times, Jesus still forgives us anyway. So I hope in all this racial, social, and political madness we can all learn to be friends anyway. What would Jesus do? He would make friends.

“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 ESV

(Images from Google)

Posted in point of view

Work on Sabbath?

Working on the Sabbath has always been gray area and something people debate and contemplate upon a lot. If you are one of them, hopefully this passage from Ellen G White helps you understand what “doing good” on the Sabbath really means and help you find your conviction. Pray about your decision and let God approve of it. Happy reading!


Do Good on the Sabbath

It is lawful to do well on the sabbath days. Matt. 12:12

According to the fourth commandment the Sabbath was dedicated to rest and religious worship. All secular employment was to be suspended, but works of mercy and benevolence were in accordance with the purpose of the Lord. They were not to be limited by time or place. To relieve the afflicted, to comfort the sorrowing, is a labor of love that does honor to God’s holy day.

The necessities of life must be attended to, the sick must be cared for, the wants of the needy must be supplied. He will not be held guiltless who neglects to relieve suffering on the Sabbath. God’s holy rest day was made for man, and acts of mercy are in perfect harmony with its intent. God does not desire His creatures to suffer an hour’s pain that may be relieved upon the Sabbath or any other day. . . .

The Sabbath is not intended to be a period of useless inactivity. The law forbids secular labor on the rest day of the Lord; the toil that gains a livelihood must cease; no labor for worldly pleasure or profit is lawful upon that day; but as God ceased His labor of creating, and rested upon the Sabbath and blessed it, so man is to leave the occupations of his daily life and devote those sacred hours to healthful rest, to worship, and to holy deeds. The work of Christ in healing the sick was in perfect accord with the law. It honored the Sabbath.

Labor to relieve the suffering was pronounced by our Saviour a work of mercy and no violation of the Sabbath.

The needs of suffering humanity are never to be neglected. The Saviour, by His example, has shown us that it is right to relieve suffering on the Sabbath.

From My Life Today – Page 236


Posted in all about yhan, point of view

Creation Vs Creator

Last Sunday, Nanay was teaching me how to paint. I have no talent in that category, and I have always appreciated her paintings and have attempted a million times to buy some of her art. I guess she decided to just teach me instead of selling her works because I was really persistent.

She gave me an apron and set the table up with lining, paint tubes, water, various brushes, and practice paper. She then randomly started painting flowers, of which I thought were some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! Her strokes seemed professional, and the way she handled the brush was flawless. I could not help but admiringly watch her get in the zone and just paint away. She told me to copy her, and then she coached me a little on how to stroke the brush and produce a flower.

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After a few more practices, she asked if I was ready to paint on the canvass. In my head, I was freaking out because I assumed that once it touches the canvas, there is no turning back! That would be the final product! She calmed my nerves down by saying that I can always paint over the canvas and turn the whole thing black again so I can paint on it once more. Recycling! Awesome. So, she told me to go ahead and start making leaves. I just looked blankly at the canvas. She took the brush from my hand and started painting. She made the leaves, did a few flowers, then gave the brush back for me to do at least two or three. My first flower came out really good! But the second one was iffy. She gently retouched it and made it look presentable. Amazing! She took control of the painting while making me feel satisfied as if I had created something on my own. But if it wasn’t for her help, it would have been just blobs of paint on a canvas. Now that I own one of her paintings, or better yet a collaboration between her and I, the artwork in my room has much more significance and value than something I would have just bought.

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Seeing the painting makes me think of the creator behind it. I can’t just appreciate it without Nanay popping in my head and me visualizing the process of how the product was made. I wish for the same appreciation to happen when it comes to real flowers. Whenever we find ourselves lost in fascination with nature, let us remember the God who created them all. He intentionally made them beautiful for us to appreciate, and at the same time be reminded of God’s love and presence. Not just with flowers, but with all kinds of creation like animals, vegetables, fruits, and people.

Adam and Eve enjoyed such a beautiful garden in Eden. They were given the awesome responsibility of being overseers of all of God’s creation. If Nanay were to entrust me with all her paintings, without a doubt would I make sure to keep it varnished and clean and presentable 24/7! Knowing who the Creator is really makes a difference on how you would treat the things around you. Unfortunately, Adam lost sight of his Creator when the fatal day of sin fell upon the earth.

Eve came running to him to share the forbidden fruit that she had just taken a bite out of. Adam immediately felt despair and was extremely sad when he saw that Eve had transgressed. He mourned for her, and he knew that they had to be separated forever. However, Adam loved Eve too much that he could not bear losing her. Plus, there was evidence in Satan’s lies – she still looked beautiful, there was no evidence of death nor deterioration, and he felt that her love for him had increased. How could he let her go?

Adam chose to partake in the same fate as his lover. He lost sight of God’s love; what only mattered to him at the moment was Eve. He would rather choose to die alongside her than to be separated from her forever. He chose to love the creation more than the Creator. His great love for her caused him to think “Wow, she’s beautiful,” rather than, “Wow, God really made her beautiful.” Acknowledging the creator when appreciating things gives us a different approach and mindset. And because he chose to love the creation more, he was forced to be separated from the Creator of both Eve and himself.

Job, on the other hand, choose to love the Creator much more than the creation around him. When Satan started taking away his belongings one by one, Job’s love for God increased moment by moment. He received even more beautiful daughters and even more cattle and oxen as a reward for being faithful. Many times we humans do not understand that God can replace our lost and fallen valuables with something even greater, even two times the amount and value. After all, God is the one who created it. He can created it again – better the second time around.

I know it is hard at times to trust in God, but we can start taking baby “trust steps” in order for our faith in Him to grow stronger. We can start by appreciating awesome creation and realizing that there is an even more awesome Creator behind it all. I thank God for making all of you handsome and beautiful people. 🙂 20140608_133613


My inspiration behind this blog is from Ellen G. White’s book entitled “Daughters of God”, Chapter 2 “Women of Note in the Old Testament” under the subsection “Eve, Mother of All.”

Posted in point of view

Please Help Me Lose Weight!


Someone sits in a restaurant, consuming a large meal, filled with fatty food that he or she washes down with a soft drink. He or she finishes off with a large bowl of chocolate ice cream covered in hot fudge. That night, before going to bed (and having a little snack before then, too,) he or she kneels to pray. Part of his or her prayer is, “O Lord, please help me lose weight. ”

What’s wrong with this picture?

The fact is, we can expect God to answer our prayers, but there are things we need to do in the process. It has been said that we need to live out our prayers; that is, we need to do all that we can, in our power, to see them answered. This isn’t humanism, nor is it showing a lack of faith. On the contrary, it’s part of what living by faith is all about.

“if we regard iniquity in our hearts, if we cling to any known sin, the Lord will not hear us; but the prayer of the penitent, contrite soul is always accepted. When all known wrongs are righted, we may believe that God will answer our petitions. Our own merit will never commend us to the favor of God; it is the worthiness of Jesus that will save us, His blood that will cleanse us; yet we have a work to do in complying with the conditions of acceptance.” (Steps to Christ, p. 95)

She’s not saying that we have to be perfect in order to have our prayers answered. She’s clear, too, that our acceptance with God is not based on us, or on our own merit, but only on the merits of Christ for us. She is saying that we have to be in an attitude of faith, humility, and surrender to God’s will in order for Him to be able to work in our lives.

Look up: Heb. 10:38, Deut. 4:29, Luke 9:23, John 14:15, 1 Thess. 4:3.

-Adult Teachers Bible Study Guide (sabbath school) “Glimpses of Our God”

Image from Google