Posted in Bible Study

The Clear Word

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2 ESV

As an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter, I get the chance to facilitate communication between deaf and hearing people during their doctor appointments. It is very important that I communicate clearly and effectively because one wrong word can ruin the entire conversation, especially if they are discussing diagnoses or medications. I need to be fully attentive the entire time and not be afraid to ask for clarification if there are things I didn’t understand. I also need to be constantly reviewing medical terms and medicine names to keep up and make sure I am fully equipped and ready for work.

There are some ASL signs that are very similar in production but have a different meaning depending on the position of your hand or the number of fingers being used. For example, the letter A uses a closed handed fist with the thumb on the side of the pointer finger, while the letter S is a closed handed fist with the thumb in front of the whole fist. The sign for RED uses the pointer finger stroking the chin downward repeatedly, while the sign CUTE uses the pointer and middle finger stroking the chin downward repeatedly. If I am not careful with these subtle nuances, my mistakes can cause miscommunication between the hearing and deaf consumers. Sometimes it may even cause mistrust.

Jesus gave us His Word as a way to communicate with us. The Holy Spirit interprets spiritual things that we cannot understand by ourselves. It is imperative that we keep up with God’s Word because Satan will misconstrue one or two sentences to try to trick us. Satan will try to act as a fake interpreter so that we lose trust in God and in His Word. We should be grounded in the Bible, asking for clarification if there are things that are unclear. Jesus has fully equipped us for His work – to spread the gospel and to show people His love for them. We must correctly represent Christ to others so they will not misinterpret God’s wonderful character.


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